News from Smartsign

Increase the reach of your LinkedIn feed

Your LinkedIn posts can quickly disappear in the constant flow of the feed. If you have screens running digital signage with Smartsign Manager, it’s easy to give your posts some extra visibility. Simply add the LinkedIn template to your Smartsign playlist, and make social media part of your signage. Smartsign

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August 2020 update of Smartsign Cloud Service

The August 2020 update of Smartsign bring general improvements regarding usability, time format settings and security.  A couple of all new features is also included in the update: The new countdown datasource in Template creator let you activate layers on the target date/time. Do you want to show an animation

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June 2020 update of Smartsign Cloud Service

With the June release of Smartsign we are moving from the previous schedule with two major versions of Smartsign Cloud Service every year, to continuously releasing smaller updates. This way, the new features in Smartsign will reach you faster. Make sure to follow us at LinkedIn and sign up for

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Webinar – PowerBI and the URL Wizard

Learn how to display publish web pages and PowerBI-content on your smartsign screens. The URL-wizard makes it easy to publish web pages on you Smartsign screens. You can publish live pages, snaphots of web pages that require login like Power BI and more. PowerBI / URL Wizard 2/7 at. 10.00

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Webinar – working with RSS-Templates in Smartsign

Learn how to display news and other content from external systems on your screens with RSS-feeds. RSS delivers content in something called feeds, and is a easy way to display things like news from websites on your screens. The webinar is about 30 minutes, including a few minutes for questions.

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Kontakt os så kan vi komme i gang med Smartsign Display Manager

Morten Prang
International Sales Director

Denmark, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Germany, France, Netherlands, Austria

Eller udfyld formularen, så kontakter vi dig.

Kontakt meg for å komme i gang med Smartsign.

Espen Gill Latham, Smartsign's Sales Manager, Norway

Espen Gill Latham

Sales Manager Norway

Eller fyll ut skjemaet, og vi kontakter deg.

Ota meihin yhteyttä aloittaaksesi Smartsign Display Manager

Antti Ilvonen

Pre-Sales Engineer Finland and Baltic states

Adress Suomi

Tai täytä lomake, otamme yhteyttä.


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