Safety first at ABB

Relaying safety information using smart screens.

ABB hosts numerous visitors every year. To ensure their safety, important rules must be mediated and followed.

The challenge was to make sure all visitors absorbed the necessary safety information before entering the site. Screens were placed in the reception area, production facility as well as the visitors lounge and by using the Smartsign system, ABB easily controls guest information across multiple screens with content language being changed just by pushing a button.

Today, a vast number of screens ensure that safety information is properly mediated to visitors. The screens also tell the company story, what’s being produced and what has been accomplished throughout the years.

Digital signage also suites

Internal communication

Create engagement and profitability

Schools & universities

Be where the students are


Provides an opportunity to think of other things


Facilitate and enhance the experience


Tempting, vibrant menus


Help customers to shop

Do you want to know more about how digital signage can help your business?

We’ll take you step by step on how you can use digital signage as a communication channel, together with our smart solutions for your specific needs.

Book a demo, and we’ll contact you to schedule a demo, often on the very same day.

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Kontakt os så kan vi komme i gang med Smartsign Display Manager

Morten Prang
International Sales Director

Denmark, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Germany, France, Netherlands, Austria

Eller udfyld formularen, så kontakter vi dig.

Kontakt meg for å komme i gang med Smartsign.

Espen Gill Latham, Smartsign's Sales Manager, Norway

Espen Gill Latham

Sales Manager Norway

Eller fyll ut skjemaet, og vi kontakter deg.

Ota meihin yhteyttä aloittaaksesi Smartsign Display Manager

Antti Ilvonen

Pre-Sales Engineer Finland and Baltic states

Adress Suomi

Tai täytä lomake, otamme yhteyttä.


Book a personal demo of Smartsign Display Manager

We’ll take you step by step through how you can use our smart solutions for your specific needs. When you book a demo, we’ll contact you, determine your needs and schedule an online demo, often on the very same day.

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